Are you CPR certified?

Now, more then ever, CPR certification (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is a skill that everyone should have. With today’s busy lifestyle, online CPR training has become most convenient. Although you may have been CPR certified in the past, your certification needs to be renewed every two years to meet the most updated CPR, ECC and American Red Cross guidelines. 

Parents should especially receive child and infant CPR certification in the event of an emergency at home. CPR courses are especially necessary in May and at the beginning of June each year, as this is when people begin to populate pools and hit the beaches. It is better to take a simple online CPR class then to regret not knowing what to do in the event of an emergency.

Websites such as are simple and easy to follow. American Health Care Academy’s video demonstrations and updated curriculum can teach these valuable life saving skills. 

CPR certification is also mandatory for many jobs and some human resource departments may host training. But as corporations begin to downsize and outsource, that training can quickly be forgotten or outdated. An online CPR certification program is a great solution for a busy executive. Online training can fit into any corporate worker’s schedule, and is constantly updated to provide the most current information.

Remember CPR certification saves lives, and anyone who has contact with the public should be trained in CPR. American Health Care Academy’s online training program is student-centered, simple and informative. With all the training programs available, there is no excuse for anyone to not be CPR certified.

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CPR Basics can help you save lives!

We've seen it on TV, so we think we know CPR. And the basics are pretty simple. Tilt head, breathe in, pump chest. But there's a precise order to do things the right way. CPR is designed to keep the victim alive until help arrives. So never forget the first step!
Ask the victim if they are okay. Loud! "Are you okay? Are you all right?" If they don't respond, then:
Call 911.
Tilt the head and pinch the nose with the other hand lift the chin in order to clear airway
Give 2 breaths.
Compress the chest hard and fast -30 times.
Repeat until help arrives.
Sounds simple, right? But when panic is all around you it's easy to forget. So get certified in CPR. Visit
to learn more about online certification and life saving techniques.
Being CPR trained is the best preparation for an emergency

I was sitting in a restaurant the other night when I noticed an older gentlemen a few tables over clutch at his chest and grimace. Now it could have been the hot wings, it could have been the fumble that ran back for a touchdown, but no matter what it was, my heart started racing. I had to go over my CPR basics in my mind . . . would I be ready? What were the steps? Oh no, what if he was really having a heart attack? First, assess the situation, and ask the potential victim “Are you okay?” Call 911, and then check for pulse and breathing. Tilt the chin and head back and give two breaths, then pump the chest, HARD, thirty times. Repeat until help arrives. Luckily for me, the man was okay. He nodded, coughed a little and told me “wrong pipe!” But it made me think that anyone who works in the public should consider getting CPR certified through a convenient online training course, like Being prepared is the best option in an emergency situation and could mean the difference between life and death.

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Online CPR Classes

Do you need a CPR/AED or First Aid Certification, but don't have time to spend a day in a classroom? Taking an online CPR class through American Health Care Academy at may be the perfect solution for you. You can print off your wallet card certification right away. Not only are CPR/AED and First Aid classes required for many leading jobs, they give the skills you may someday need to save a loved one's life. With easy to use demos and a money back guarantee, American Health Care Academy offers the perfect solution for people whose jobs require CPR certification, but cannot take time off for classes.
If you had the chance to become an asset to your community, would you take it? If you knew that there was a way for you to gain the skills necessary to save another person’s life, would you? CPR certification can provide you with the knowledge and expertise needed to save a life. CPR is an invaluable skill that can be learned in a short amount of time, especially if you take an online CPR course.

CPR certification is not solely for health care professionals. Any individual who is proactive and ambitious about helping those in need, whether it is family, friends or neighbors, can greatly benefit from CPR training and from learning the basics of first aid. With your online CPR certification, you can be there for those closest to you when they need you the most.

With American Health Care Academy’s online CPR certification course, anyone can easily and effectively acquire skills to recognize emergencies and learn how to perform life-saving techniques that so many sadly do not know how to implement. The interactive CPR training provided at, includes step-by-step video demonstrations that elaborate on the provided text. This online course can be taken at a time convenient for you and does not have to be completed in one sitting. After studying the text and videos you can take the post-quiz as many times as needed to pass and the CPR certification is immediate! You are certified as soon as you successfully pass the quiz and can print your CPR/AED wallet certification right from the website! 

Take a responsible step and visit to learn more about the CPR certification and first aid courses available to you. The rates are low, the web-based training is easy to follow and convenient, and the skills attained will last a lifetime!